Sugar Sunday

These things.

I’ve loved these candies for a long while, I used to get them in the orientak market back in ATL, but you could only get them in the small boxes with like 12 inside! Well now I can get the big bags! XD yaaaaay!!!

From what I can see, they are pretty much just flakey pastery type things filled with chocolate. They are soooo yummy!!!! XD




Sugar Sunday!

I know I haven’t done this in a few weeks, been kind of busy. But I’m back now!!!

Found these nifty Baskin Robins candies at Universe a couple weeks ago. They are really interesting to say the least.

They don’t have a specific flavor, but they do have Pop Rocks in them. The Japanese love Pop Rocks for some reason, it’s in a lot of their candies.






I hate the snow.

Most people will call me crazy, “omg you hate snow! Whyyy?” And all that jazz…

Well, it started snowing yesterday here in good ol’ Japan, and I’m freaking out.
Now, there could be may reasons as to why I hate the white, fluffy ice clouds falling from the sky. One is probably the fact that I spent 4 years of my life in a significantly different snowy country and the novelty wore off. It’s not fun anymore.

Or… It’s the fact that I’m from a state where it snows once or twice a year, about 5 inches so not much, and they are exceedingly unprepared. Every year.

If you’re from the states you probably heard of Georgia’s debacle in January this year where people where parked on the side of the high way, having to walk miles to shelter and spending upwards of 24 hours in those shelters. Which were Targets, Krogers, Wal-Marts and so on.

Thankfully, I was not stuck on the high way. I know people who were. But even if I wasnt stuck on the high way I was suck somewhere else. Home. With no electricity because ‘Mr. Dudly-Do-Right’ (nickname given by my dad) decided to cut frozen branches off of powerlines. Alone. Cutting off power to half the street. On top of that, if I wanted to leave the house I’d have to battle the crazy long, hilly drive way. Then! I’d have to battle our long, hilly road. Both covered in ice.

So, when people ask me why I hate snow…. this is why…. this is why.

Anyway, pic of the first snow fall. No sticking on the road. And about 4 hours later it was 3 inches deep on the grass. And it all melted before 5pm…


Out Shopping

Last week I went out shopping in Shimoda and Hachinohe with Lady S. She’s kinda crazy, but someone I enjoy hanging out with a lot.

We started out getting lunch at her and her husband’s favorite ramen place, which was a new one for me. It’s nick named ‘Cat Balls’ because the sign outside has a huge cat on it with a giant set of them…. it’s weird… Needless to say, I won’t be changing my ramen house of choice, I enjoy Thunder Ramen a lot more.

On the way to Hachinohe I was telling her about how much I wanted a bunny, and almost ended up with one if it wasn’t for the fact that I would have to bunny proof the house and that I would rather have my dog instead. So, she decided to stop at a pet store. Two to be exact… One was dogs, where she got her two, but they also had a goat……


New goat friend xp

Then we went to one in the mall that sold the Norwegian mini bunnies I want as well as hedgehogs, one of which I also want….. so adorable. No pictures though, the store clerk was helping another customer standing right next to us…. We messed around and walked through the mall afterward, not really doing much aside from the arcade.

We also stopped by the fish market on our way to Shimoda to get my husband his favorite squid cake things. I also saw the BIGGEST apple I have ever seen in my LIFE!!!! I just about died! I seriously regret getting one, and I have never felt that way about an apple…. Seriously this thing was at least 6-7 inches in diameter! Honestly the picture does not accurately show it’s size, I will get one…… Awesome stuff.


The giant ass apples in the Hachinohe fish market

At Shimoda mall we spent majority of the time in the arcade, she loves her arcades. We played that weird circle rhythm game again, forcing me to play it on super hard with my retarded hand/eye coordination.

Shimoda Mall arcade, first floor.

Shimoda Mall arcade, first floor.

…. And then I saw them… The backpack of all backpacks, the randoseru. For those that don’t know, randoseru are the super square backpacks all the elementary and sometimes middle school students carry as part of their uniform. Most always seen in anime and Japanese movies. I have wanted one for the longest time, since I can remember first seeing them in Sailor Moon back in the early 2000s. Needless to say, I will have one. I have plans to turn it into a camera bag since I can think of no other use for one. But priced at anywhere from 30,000¥ to 60,000¥ (roughly $300 to $600) it might be a little bit. I’ve proposed getting it as my anniversary/Christmas gift. Since both are coming up really soon. ;p

RANDOSERU!!!!! All the needs!!!!

RANDOSERU!!!!! All the needs!!!!

Anyway, we ended the day by running some small errands like stopping at Sanwado, Yamada, and JoyM. As well as getting sammiches for dinner.

But that’s not all……. After I had finally decided to go to bed, my husband calls me at 3:30am. I was sound asleep and it was the best sleep I had had in a while…. “Babe, I had a blow out. I’m on the side of the road just before the beach. I need you to bring the car so I can put my tools and this stupid microwave in it and for you to help me change the tire.” Oh husband, he’s lucky I said “for better or for worse” because I was on the verge of strangling him. The cause? My dear, dear husband had neglected to check the wear on his tires, for a month. Which is something you should do when the camber on your car is super crazy like his. The band and wire mesh was showing through, I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner. Then I couldn’t go back to sleep. So my schedule was screwed for a few days. But it’s all good now.

It was a very long day, fun and frustrating, but long. :p

Home Wrecking Game

After watching his favorite lets-play channel, Game Grumps, on YouTube the past few days my husband thought it would be a smashing idea if we bought Monopoly. Danny and Erin, the hosts of Game Grumps, played the Wii version and for some reason it made him want to bring this home wrecking game into our house. This board game, simple as it may seem, has single-handedly ruined millions of families…. probably…. either way it causes lots of animosity amongst it’s players……..

MonopolyIt started innocently enough, about half way through all the properties were bought and we were both doing well, had lots of cash in our coffers….

The high point of the game

The high point of the game

Then I got tired…. it was close to my bedtime. And on top of that he had bought a hotel on Boardwalk around 11:30p….. aaaaaaaaaand I landed on it…. $2,000… and it was too much work in my state of tiredness and soreness from sitting on the floor to do the math to mortgage my properties…. So after 4 hours of playing, I folded. Because screw math when you’re half asleep.

Sugar Sunday!

So it’s Sunday again, and it’s time for another sweet treat!

These are super yummy! They are Ramune hard candies, and the fizz up and stuff! My faves are the peach and coke flavors, but they’re all pretty yummy.

Not much to say about these though… other than that I got them at Universe… 😀



A Few of My Favorite Things

My absence the past few weeks was partly due to tracking the typhoon down south, shopping and binge watching Chuck on Netflix… but I do have pictures… lots… new favorite food items, some silly ones, arcades and Gundam models. Because of the multitude of pics I’m going to split them up. ^^

My current two favorite stores here in Japan are Homac (a home accessory and appliance store) and Universe (a grocery store sort of like Kroger or Publix).

One of my favorite things at Homac was the metal petrol suitcases (gas cans). I must have one or 5 and send some to my FiL and Dad when I can.


Universe market was right next door. I finally found some Poppin’ Cookin’ candies as well as Happy Kitchen candies too. (Both of these are the latter because they looked cooler lol)


I even found these awesome popsicles. They are my new favorite! Watermelon and honeydew melon flavor. The watermelon had dark chocolate “seeds” and the honeydew has white chocolate ones.


Also… mushrooms… unless you pay out the butt and live in near an awesome farmer’s market you will probably never be able to buy mushrooms like these stateside. I can’t remember the names of most of them but I have never seen them in s chain grocery store.


Anywho, I’ll leave you with that. I’ll gather my thoughts about the mall, maybe visit it again, and then tell you guys all about it. Thanks for reading!~